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The RESHIP Project is already running!

Updated: Oct 17, 2022

With one day of brainstorming and discussions, we officially kicked-off the project on the 3rd of September 2022!

The main objective of the kick-off meeting was to officially start up the RESHIP project and introduce the team with a formal get-together. The meeting was designed to orient the newly formed team to the reasons for the project and to make sure that the partners have a common understanding of goals and steps forward.

Key areas such as scope, implementation, risks, likely resources requirements and schedule were embeded into the discussions on the agenda.

The meeting was aimed at orienting the newly formed team to the reasons for the project and to make sure that the partners have a common understanding of goals and steps forward.

The agenda of the meeting included the overall presentation of the RESHIP Project by the Project Coordinator Dr. D. Gomez, a comprehensive presentation of Horizon EU Common Provisions and key issues concerning reporting and other obligations to the European Committee by the Project Officer Dr. Georgios Charalampous, as well as the presentations of the RESHIP Workpackages by the WP Leaders which included discussions on inputs, possibilities, task distribution, risks and needs.

RESHIP also had the opportunity to officially launch its project logo which was designed under 'WP5 - Dissemination, Communication and Outreach', by Weichao SHI (University of Strathclyde) and Mario FELLI (CNR). The idea behind the RESHIP Logo is to communicate that ship design, manufacturing and operation need another iteration with the introduction of zero emission fuel. Project Logo takes inspiration from the programming flow chart of the RESHIP Project...redesign, redefine, rethink, and RESHIP


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